Hi {{__localwsusersession.UserName}} !
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: User_41 sue c from Manteno ({{822| secondsToDateTime | date:'mm:ss'}}) View Scoreboard
{{currentTime| secondsToDateTime | date:'mm:ss'}}

Tap start letter Now select the final letter.

HARD Life Can Begin Again

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  • {{obj.word.Word}} {{obj.word.Clue}}

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Not just a great way to pass the time, our word search also provides a great way to keep your brain fit. In fact, they are educational and many teachers, students and parents alike around the world make use of it.

Each of the Word Search puzzle falls under 3 categories. a. A general word finder. 2. Puzzle with a question (no clues provided) and 3. Words and clues which you can use as a set of quiz.